Sunday, May 29, 2011

I love 3 day weekends!

Last night was a lot of fun! We met Wendy & Justin at one of our favorite restaurants, Faccia Luna. It's an Italian place with great pasta and pizza. I had fettuccine alfredo with mushrooms and it was delicious. I ate about half of it because I had every intention on taking Wendy & Justin to Kiwi after dinner for some frozen yogurt. They have never been so I felt it was my duty to introduce them to the sweet deliciousness! I should really be a spokesperson for Kiwi, I sure do bring em a lot of business!! We walked around downtown a little while eating our yogurt and just chatted away! I miss them and our date nights!! Let's all move to Hawaii and live the good life ;)
After we got home from dinner & dessert I started to create my cake for tomorrow. I wanted to make my cake shaped like a star so I cut a star outline from cardboard and started cutting away at the cake. When I started to ice it, it fell apart in a million pieces. FAILURE. I threw it out and called it a night--no cake for us tomorrow!! Sorry mom!
This morning Abram and I woke up early and I made breakfast. We've run out of pretty much every breakfast food. No milk. No eggs. No Van's waffles. Nada. So I made due with what I had right in front of me-1 frozen banana, 5 strawberries and some of my pap's frozen blueberries. I also had an english muffin on the side.
After breakfast we took Misha for a walk and then went to the gym. I ran 5 miles this morning and it was alllllll about the speed baby. I cut 2 minutes off of my last 5 mile run! Go me! After our gym session, we went over to my grandparents house for lunch. I wasn't expecting Tiya and Helena to be there but SURPRISE! They were and we played til it was time to eat :) Today's menu was hamburgers, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, potatoes and chips. Interesting spread but delicious.
Tiya always pulls the camera out of my purse and wants her picture taken, what a little cutie!! Mom and I went to the Bon-Ton to find some deals but we left, what a bust. Well, another great day. I wish every weekend had 3 days to enjoy! Looking forward to what tomorrow will bring!!! Hope your weekend is going as well as mine!

Question: What is your best running time?

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