At 5:45 the alarm went off. I woke up and started to put on my gym clothes. This was Abram's idea to hit the gym super early...he still wasn't awake yet. Around 6am he finally he got up and we went to the gym to get our EARLY MORNING workout on. I started off slow but finished strong. I ran 3 miles today-not bad considering on any other day I would still be sleeping at this time! After we got home I made a cake for my FINAL cake class tonight and got ready for work. Then I started off my day with these: Overnight oats. This was my first attempt at these, and they didn't turn out like I had hoped. I used an almost empty jar of Nutella and added in 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1/2 cup of milk. I tossed in a scoop of cocoa powder and let it sit overnight. It wasn't nearly sweet enough, so, next time I know to add more sugar! Since that didn't hit the spot, I made a quick egg white english muffin and headed off to work! It did the job and kept me full till lunch time. For lunch I had a vanilla greek yogurt, Kashi honey sunshine cereal and a banana with almond butter. I also packed strawberries and brown sugar & cinnamon almonds for snack. Work went fine all day, until 4:30 rolled around and the receptionist for the evening didn't show. So finally when she got there at 5:30 I raced home to make the icing for my cake class tonight (I also had to ice the entire cake) Thank goodness I made my cake this morning, otherwise I would have FAILED! Unfortunately, with all my rushing around making icing and icing cakes
and being hangry I didn't have time to eat dinner. So I went straight to class and because I was so stressed about making sure I had everything for class, I lost my appetite anyways.
Class went GREAT. My cake turned out amazing and I can't wait to show it off!! I wanna make a million trillion of these cakes (they remind me of a wedding or anniversary cake or something) So if ya need this type of cake, let me know ;)
After class I came home and Abram made me a grilled chicken salad. I sat down to eat this delicious looking salad and realized I couldn't taste anything. The cold I have had for the last few days has finally worked it's way up into my nose and now I can't smell/taste. GREAT! I ate about half before giving up. I HATE eating when I can't taste, what's the point?!? But it was a beautiful salad, thanks Abram, xoxo!
Now I am going to drink some tea and finally sit down to relaaaxxxx. Hopefully no stress finds me tomorrow and I will be able to taste my food!
Oh! I forgot to show ya'll this necklace yesterday! Sarah brought it back for me. It's a black cat, named Olive. Her kitty is named Olive and I cat-sit for her when she is away, so this was a very cute gift she gave me in return for watching that loveable little kitty.
Have a good night everyone. We're almost to THREE DAY WEEKEND!!
Question: Have you made overnight oats? Any tips?
I make my overnight oats with 1/3 cup oats, 1/4 cup FF greek yogurt, 1/4 cup skim milk, 10 blueberries, 1 Tbsp vanilla protein powder, 1 Tbsp Almond Butter, 1 Tbsp SF jelly. Let it sit overnight and then stir in the morning and enjoy. 300 calories of protein packed amazingness!! It's fun to experiment with different toppings but I think the greek yogurt/skim milk/oatmeal as the base is the best way to go and then just add in whatever your heart desires!